My Fabulous Pill Box !
My Pill Box is a Hartmann overnight case. Its tweed with cowhide trim in earth tones lined with clasic brown and offwhite fabric. I found it at thriftstore for 7 bucks which is a great deal cause they sale for over 200 bucks retail. I keep like 14 bottles of HIV meds vitamins and other meds for other medical ailments. It really is my box that keeps me alive plus with Gods help I stay in the healthy range.. My mom looks at the box & has told me I had to many pills! But I say it keeps me alive so she goes quite & mumbles. Been through many containers which has been many.. Where do you keep your meds? Do you care about style, convenience? Would you allow others to see your pill box? Do you feel Shame when you are asked about it? Well I say f**k them that make you feel that way! That's why you should have a Fabulous Pill Box like I use, make it special because it is special to you only! Never have shame for what you have or who you are and only have loving nurturing folks around you! Your worth more than $ signs.
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