Monday, November 25, 2013


Hello Good morning..How are you Tom? I am OK...Thank you for ..asking. Well you just seem a little tired. Well i am i spent most of the day yesterday posting my FACE of AIDS photo all over the world yesterday an it was pretty tough.. Well its good you put so much time into doing this. Well we all need to get involved yes putting myself out there with my photo does set me up for targets on my back...but see ive been HIV over 30 yrs ive had practice at dodging the hate and taking in the love. But i enjoy it at times an i meet great people ...i give hope. I may not be perfect with the way i look but most people that go through some type of war ..have scars or you can tell they've had life lessons. That is right for many. But we need to be grateful for all who get into this fight. Did you know allots of women are in this fight an i have met some nice ladies an they are serious in what they do. Some have been infected with HIV by their partners or husbands in some form or another. And getting involved helps them deal with their own ups an downs ...give the ladies ...HUG OK We are grateful for their work! Wow! Most women that are HIV ADVOCATES that are poz do this while raising children...Working women you think you got it hard? These ladies are taking HIV meds that have side affects an trying to make sure their children have a so called normal life....TODAY IS GRATITUDE DAY FOR THE "LADIES of HIV/AIDS" LETS THANK THEM FOR ALL THEY DO . And let them help you not to become HIV an for you out there to get your HIV TEST. Protect yourselves!

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